Chart of the Home Selling Process
Selling a house typically includes many of the following elements.
1. Initial Consultation:
- Determine your needs
- Review Agency choices
- Discuss Marketing Plan
- Establish Pricing Strategy
2. Design and Implement Marketing Plan:
- Prepare Preliminary Title Report
- Complete home enhancement recommendations
- Perform scheduled marketing activities
- Show the property to Agents and prospective Buyers
- Monitor results of marketing activities
- Communicate with Sellers on a regular basis
- Modify Marketing Plan and Pricing Strategy as necessary
3. Review Offer and Reach Agreement:
- Buyer’s agent presents offer to Seller’s agent
- Discuss and clarify proposed terms and conditions with Sellers
- Negotiate sales contract – possible counter offers
- Reach final agreement on sales contract
- Sign documents – final acceptance all parties
- Deposit Buyer’s earnest money check
- Attorney review of documents
4. Complete Settlement Process(per purchase contract)
- Update title report to Buyer
- Complete property inspections
- Remove remaining contract contingencies
- Buyers perform final walk-through of property
- Close property – Buyers provide loan and/or funds at closing
- Buyer to take possession of property at closing
- Record title and other real estate property affidavits
5. After-sale Service
- Help find Seller next home, as needed
- Assist with relocation, as needed