Ann Arbor Area Home Connections and Public Utilities
Moving to the Ann Arbor Area? Here are some helpful links and phone numbers:
Address Change
- DTE Energy 1-800-477-4747
- Consumers Energy 1-800-477-5050
Phone, TV, Wireless & Internet
- AT & T (800) 222-0300
- Xfinity by Comcast (800)266-2278
- Direct TV (855)463-7359
Public Utilities and Municipal Services
- Ann Arbor (City) Water Services (734) 794-6333
- Ann Arbor Charter Twp (734) 663-3418
- Augusta Charter Twp (888) 373-8133
- Brighton (City) (810) 227-1911
- Brighton Twp (810) 229-0550
- Canton (734) 394-5240
- Chelsea (734) 475-1771
- Dexter (734) 426-8303
- Jackson (517) 788-4170
- Milan (734) 439-1780
- Northville (248) 348-5800
- Pittsfield Twp (734) 822-3130
- Plymouth (734) 453-7737
- Saline (734) 429-4907
- Scio Twp (734) 369-9400
- South Lyon (248) 437-6914
- Sumpter Twp (734)461-6201 ext. 2242
- Superior Twp (734) 480-5500
- Van Buren Twp (734) 699-8925
- York Twp (734) 439-8842
- Ypsilanti (734) 484-4600