Last week, we put out a poll asking all of you what you would like to see more of on Living in Ann Arbor. After getting a lot of feedback (thanks again!) we were able to see what changes needed to be made to bring you the best Ann Arbor experience. A top voted suggestion, was an increase in pictures of the Ann Arbor lifestyle. So we’re happy to announce our new “#AnnArbor Picture of the Day!“

How it Works:
Each day snap pictures of what Ann Arbor living means to you. This could mean your commute to work, shots of the Ann Arbor skyline, your favorite Ann Arbor coffee shop, things to do around town, etc. The choices are endless and completely up to you!
Once you get the picture you want to share, you have two ways of getting it to us:
1. Post it to our page at “Living in Ann Arbor” or send our page a direct message with the photo.
2. Share your awesome #annarbor shot on Instagram with the hashtag #myannarbor and tag us @annarborhomes.

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[…] “What does Ann Arbor look like to you?” […]