Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in October 2015 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
As we head into the final weekend before Halloween, you may still need to put up your Halloween decorations. Don’t know what to put up around the house this year? We have some do it yourself (DIY) Halloween home decorating ideas to help get your into the “spooky” spirit:
1. Transform your home into a #monsterhouse
Take your directions to the next level by making your home a part of the decorations! This DIY monster home is a easy project that alligns with the Halloween theme but isn’t too scary to scare away young trick-or-treaters. Follow these steps to make your home into a Monster House.
2. Turn your home into a homage to Halloween master Tim Burton
A photo posted by TeenyBee (@toastyteeny) on
Everyone knows the classic Tim Burton movie The Nightmare Before Christmas, so why not use that to your advantage? DIY Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween Props is a website dedicated to showing people how to easily turn their home into their own Halloweentown in a blink of a eye.
3. Pick a scene from your favorite Halloween movie and run with it
Maybe you don’t like Tim Burton’s style but you still want to go with the movie theme? No problem. Just pick your favorite movie or show to watch in the fall/Halloween season and create a scene from it in your front yard. Some movies to consider are the Harry Potter series, Ghostbusters, The Walking Dead, etc.
4. Forget the outside and focus on indoor decorations
A photo posted by Jordan Newton (@jordannewtondesign) on
Just because it is October doesn’t mean you have to show your Halloween spirit to your entire neighborhood. Instead of focusing on scaring the neighbors, use fall colors and make use of fall themed center pieces to make your home fill with holiday spirit.
5. Keep it simple with Halloween favorite, Jack-o-Lanterns
What decoration can be better for any home around Halloween then a good old fashioned Jack-o-Lantern? Easy to create, easy to clean up and great for the whole family. If you don’t want to stress too much about decorating your home this Halloween, carving a Jack-o-Lantern is perfect for you.
Hopefully these ideas has gotten you into the Halloween spirit. For those of you planning on trick or treating in the Ann Arbor area see what events are happening around town here.
Happy Halloween!