Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, part of the HSF Affiliates LLC family of real estate brokerage franchise networks, today announced it was recognized as “Real Estate Agency Brand of the Year” and “Highest Ranked in Trust and Love” in the 32nd annual Harris Poll EquiTrend®study.
In January 2020, more than 39,000 U.S. consumers rated nearly 2,000 brands across 200 categories. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices received its distinctions in the Real Estate Agency category based on consumers’ perception of its brand familiarity, quality and purchase consideration, among other qualifying factors.
We are honored to be recognized once again by consumers in the respected Harris Poll EquiTrend® study,” said Chris Stuart, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. “It speaks to our franchisees’ care, dedication, and attentiveness to the real estate needs of their clients. And, that we would be recognized as both the “Most Respected” and “Most Loved” Brand is especially exciting. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, the industry’s Forever Brand, is built on core values of Trust, Integrity, Longevity, and Stability so it’s good to see consumers are experiencing those qualities firsthand.”
This year’s EquiTrend® study further solidified a trend that’s been developing over the past few years: the move to align a brand’s quality with the trust consumers place in that brand. “Two years ago, when the Harris Poll recognized Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices as the Most Trusted Real Estate Brand, I said: trust is earned. Trust is repeatedly earned, month over month, year over year. Today, we celebrate that our network continues to earn the trust of our customers,” said Gino Blefari, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices.
“Our network professionals are passionate and dedicated to exceeding the expectations of their clients,” said Stuart. “So it’s a source of pride to their hard work recognized by consumers.”
The 2020 Harris Poll EquiTrend® study measures and compares the brand health of companies. Respondents offer their perceptions of brands, gauging their emotional connection to them plus brand awareness, influence and familiarity.
About Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices is one of the world’s fastest-growing residential real estate brokerage franchise networks, with more than 50,000 real estate professionals, nearly 1,500 offices throughout the U.S., Europe and the Middle East, and more than $119 billion in real estate sales volume. The network, among the few organizations entrusted to use the world-renowned Berkshire Hathaway name, brings to the real estate market a definitive mark of trust, integrity, stability and longevity.